Winsys Lite EYE for Dealers
Winsys Lite EYE is an Internet-based application designed specifically for your Dealers.
With Winsys Lite EYE, your Dealers can:
- Enter estimates and orders, complete with all available options and pricing.
- Create their own markup schemes.
- Add/maintain their database of products in order to produce complete quotations for prospects.
- Print estimate/orders for themselves and/or their customers.
- Submit orders to you (the factory) through the Internet. When you receive the order, it is available to be imported directly into your Winsys system so that you do not have to re-key any information.
- Factory can limit products which a dealer may see or order.
- System automatically times out each quarter so that a dealer cannot share your information with a competitor indefinitely.
The order entry methods, screens, options and functions are identical to those found in the version of Winsys running in the factory. Your customer service representatives DO NOT need to learn two systems in order to provide dealer support.